In most places lightning damage claims occur far less frequently than most other types of claims, however they are usually included in most homeowner’s policies as an accepted type of peril. This is fortunate for homeowners who experience this type of loss because the damage that results from a lightning strike can be very expensive to repair.
There are lightning strikes that cause fires and those that cause damage through the form of an electrical surge which can destroy the wiring and internal electrical systems of a home as well as the electrical appliances and electronic property within the home. (There are also cases where both types of damage are caused). Click here for information on *fire and smoke damage claims. (Link to fire and smoke damage page). Very often, the damaged personal property within the home is assessed for its actual cash value, which factors depreciation in, and is usually capped at a maximum of between 50 % to 70 % of the value of the home itself. Sometimes electronics experts need to be consulted to determine whether personal property that has been damaged is repairable or deemed a total loss. Some people find it prudent to consult an expert of their own choosing to make a more favourable determination than the one their insurance provider decides on.
Fire Damage, Smoke Damage, Property Damage, Wildfire, Replacement Cost, Actual Cash Value
Flood Damage, Overland Flood, Overland Water, Basement Flood Damage, Water Damage
Roof Leak Damage, Roof Damage, Roof Shingle Damage, Property Damage Claims
Water Damage, Burst Pipe, Plumbing and Service Line Damage, Sewer backup, Overflow, Accidental Discharge
Lightning Damage, Physical damage, Secondary Effect Damage, Electromagnetic Effect Damage, Changes in Ground Reference Potential
Landslide, Mudslide and Snow Slide (Avalanche) Damage, Erosion, Weather Damage, Earthquakes
Sinkhole Damage Claims, Natural Sinkholes, Man-Made Sinkholes, Water Main Break, Ground Collapse
Business Interruption, Loss of Income, Business Income Insurance, Business Insurance Claims
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