Making a home insurance claim? Be aware that your insurance company will do everything in its power to pay you as little as possible on your payout. That is why it is important to remember that you are never obligated to accept any offer. Consult a professional insurance negotiator with FairClaim to help you get the maximum payout that you are entitled to.
Fire Damage, Smoke Damage, Property Damage, Wildfire, Replacement Cost, Actual Cash Value
Flood Damage, Overland Flood, Overland Water, Basement Flood Damage, Water Damage
Roof Leak Damage, Roof Damage, Roof Shingle Damage, Property Damage Claims
Water Damage, Burst Pipe, Plumbing and Service Line Damage, Sewer backup, Overflow, Accidental Discharge
Lightning Damage, Physical damage, Secondary Effect Damage, Electromagnetic Effect Damage, Changes in Ground Reference Potential
Landslide, Mudslide and Snow Slide (Avalanche) Damage, Erosion, Weather Damage, Earthquakes
Sinkhole Damage Claims, Natural Sinkholes, Man-Made Sinkholes, Water Main Break, Ground Collapse
Business Interruption, Loss of Income, Business Income Insurance, Business Insurance Claims
Making another type of insurance claim? We can still help you get a better offer!